The Squad Blog

Hiring a freelance SEO expert? Here’s everything you need to know

Grow your biz
Last updated
May 7, 2024
Written by:
Jenn Green
SEO brief by:
Jenn Green
Edited by:
Shannon Mulligan
As always, all Squad members were compensated for their work.

There’s no denying; it’s a digital world and we’re just living in it. And if you’re growing a business, you’re not just living in it, you’re trying to thrive in it. 

On a personal level, the Internet has brought us some pretty amazing things: cross-timezone FaceTime calls, the ability to settle bets immediately with a quick Google search, and a long list of items TikTok is insisting will change our lives. And for businesses, the digital world means that no matter how small or niche you are, someone can find you and buy your product or service. That is, of course, if Google knows you exist. That’s where hiring a freelance SEO expert—and reading the rest of this blog—comes into play.

Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, isn't just a buzzword; it should be a key pillar of your digital strategy. And if you're looking to stand out in the digital crowd—or even be found at all—you're going to need help. Good SEO isn’t just about having a presence online; it’s about making sure that presence isn’t buried under a pile of competitors.

And that’s where a freelance SEO expert comes in..

In this article, we’re going to teach you all about SEO and how it can grow your business, explain why hiring a freelance SEO expert is your safest (and most cost-effective) bet, give you a step-by-step process for finding the perfect fit for your business, and answer some frequently asked questions about hiring for SEO.

Hope you brought snacks.

What is SEO (and how does it help your business)?

Imagine SEO as your business's GPS coordinates on a map of the Internet. It's what guides potential customers from their initial query right to your virtual doorstep.

SEO optimizes your website and content so that search engines like Google rank you higher, increasing your visibility—and hopefully, your sales.

It's not just about being found, it's about being found by the right people. 

There are three key components to SEO marketing. And if you can nail all three, you’d better make sure you’re ready for the influx of new business, because customers will come a callin’. 

1. On-site website SEO

On-site SEO optimizes all of the elements on your website to improve its search engine ranking. These are the things a freelance SEO consultant will look at on your website:

URL structure: SEO experts will make sure that your URLs include relevant keywords and are descriptive enough to target your ideal audience. E.g. If you sell yoga classes but your URLs don’t include words like ‘yoga’, ‘hot yoga’, ‘yin yoga classes’, or ‘puppy yoga in Toronto’, then your people are going to have a hard time finding you.

An SEO expert will help research the right keywords you need across your website that tells Google what you’re all about. The result? When people type in ‘Where can I find puppy yoga classes in Toronto?’, your site is at the top of the list.

Site speed: You don’t want that spinning wheel of death when someone lands on your site. This study by Deloitte shows that no matter the product being sold, if the site loads quickly—we’re talking less than 3 seconds—the lower the bounce rate, the further into the sales funnel clients go, and most importantly, the more sales are made. A vetted freelance SEO consultant will test your site speed and reduce image and video sizes to help the load time of your website.

Meta descriptions: You know the description that shows up on Google underneath each blue search result? That’s called a meta description, and it plays a BIG role in being found online. Those hundred characters or so helps a potential customer quickly decide if they’re going to click on your website or not. A freelance SEO writer can make those meta descriptions irresistible with keyword research and a few tips and tricks of the trade.

Not this Meta… please… never this Meta

Blog posts and copy: Of course, if you want to not only be discovered online, but be seen as an expert in your field, one of the best things you can do on your website is create long form blog content with targeted keywords. Blog posts (just like this one!) can go a long way to getting eyes on the page, but truthfully, they do more than that. 

A good freelance SEO expert writer can make sure that your blog content is engaging, informative, and helping to drive sales. But a really good freelance partne ris going to help you navigate where else to share your content: on your socials, in your email newsletter, or in other marketing materials. You paid for it: make sure you get the most out of it.

Did you know that we’ve got a team of experienced SEO writers who can create high-quality blog content to get you seen? The Freelance Squad’s got your back, from simple website audits to full-scale SEO content plans and implementation.

2. Local SEO

This SEO practice won’t be relevant for all businesses, but if you’re relying on getting local clients through your doors, don’t sleep on it. 

An SEO expert helps optimize your online presence to attract clients from your specific geographical location. You know when you type in ‘best dentist near me’ in your Google search and then magically five recommendations close to you pop up? Yeah. That’s because those websites are optimized for local SEO. 

3. Off-page SEO and backlinks

Off-page SEO or backlinks are links back to your website from other websites that have a good reputation. This strategy is one of the best ways to show Google that you’re an authority in your field.

You can write guest blog posts, get listed on local directories, or even seek out PR opportunities on podcasts or interviews. All of these will link back to your website and prove to Google that you can be trusted. (Not sure how to go about all that? Send us a message—we can help with all of it.)

Is it worth it to hire someone for SEO?

So, the big question. Is it worth it to hire someone to help you with SEO? The short answer? Yes. The longer answer? Absolutely yes. SEO isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. 

Here's a stat to chew on—approximately 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. This means if you're not on that first page, you're missing out on a massive audience. Businesses investing in a freelance SEO writer or an SEO expert often see substantial traffic growth,  and consequently, conversions. It's an investment that pays for itself.

If you’re already feeling a little overwhelmed by the list above, you should also know that Google's algorithm changes hundreds of times a year. Staying on top of SEO can be a full-time job. That's where a freelance SEO expert comes in because, well, it IS their full-time job. They’ve got the specialized knowledge and adaptability to stay on top of these constant changes.

SEO isn't just about being visible online, it's about reaching the right audience with precision. So while a freelance SEO expert boosts your website’s visibility, they also strategically place your business in front of your target audience, getting better click-through rates, and increased sales. 

The next question you might be asking is, ‘If SEO is so important, why would I hire a freelancer instead of just hiring a full-time SEO employee?’ Good question, my friend!

Hiring an SEO freelancer is the most cost-effective option compared to having a full-time in-house expert. A freelancer saves on salaries and overheads while giving you access to top-tier skills. This flexibility extends to project scopes too—whether you need a comprehensive SEO overhaul or just want to fine-tune your strategy, a freelancer can adapt to your needs.

Freelancers meet you where you are in your SEO journey. They can create a strategy from scratch, audit your site for updates, build an ongoing plan to follow, do regular check-ups, research competitors, create a list of keywords to target, and even write all of the content that’s going to get you found on the internet. And they can do this at a pace that works for your business—and your budget.

By choosing the freelance route, you get the benefit of a wide range of expertise and perspectives. Freelancers need to stay ahead of the curve, continually updating their skills and methodologies to be on top of the latest trends and algorithm changes. They’re key in shaping how your brand communicates and connects with your audience in the digital world.

How to hire a freelance SEO consultant

Okay, now that we’ve convinced you that a freelance SEO expert is the way to go, you can start the search for the perfect fit for your business and needs. Here’s how to do just that:

1. Figure out what you need in terms of SEO. Website SEO, content SEO, or both?

Start by figuring out your website's current SEO performance. Do you need to work on the technical aspects of your site, like speed and mobile responsiveness, or does your content need to be optimized for better engagement and keyword ranking? Sometimes it's a combination of both that can drive the best results.

Write down your goals before you even start reaching out to people so you’re ready to be clear with your SEO needs, but also rest assured that a great SEO partner will also help you determine your biggest gaps and opportunities.

2. Will you hire on a project basis or an ongoing basis?

Decide if you need a one-off SEO fix, like a website audit or a keyword research project, or if your site needs ongoing SEO work, like regular content updates and continuous optimization. This decision will affect the type of freelance SEO consultant you'll need.

3. What’s your budget for hiring a freelance SEO expert?

Establishing a clear budget upfront makes things easier for your freelancer. This way you can either find an SEO expert who fits within your budget or have a freelancer pitch what they can offer at your price point. This also helps you to manage expectations regarding the level of work and the type of services you can afford.

Don’t be afraid to ask around or get several quotes, but also keep in mind that you’re not just buying their expertise, you’re buying a relationship. Someone who does phenomenal work that you also get along with is going to go a long way.

4. Start hopping on discovery calls with freelance SEO consultants and freelance SEO content writers

Time to reach out to potential candidates. These initial discussions are important to understand their approach, experience, and whether they’re a good fit for your business's specific SEO challenges—and whether you think you’d like working with them.

On the call, you can ask them:

  • What type of training have you had?
  • Have you worked in our specific industry before?
  • Can you describe your experience with recent SEO projects?
  • How do you stay updated with the latest SEO trends and Google algorithm changes?
  • What SEO tools do you use, and why?
  • How do you measure the success of your SEO strategies?
  • Can you provide references or case studies from past clients?

5. Choose your SEO expert

After evaluating your options, choose the freelance SEO expert whose skills, approach, and experience align best with your business goals and SEO needs. Make sure they understand your industry and can offer a customized strategy.

These steps give you a good idea as to what you need in order to get started on that SEO project your business needs. 

How the Freelance Squad can help with your SEO needs

If you’re thinking to yourself, ‘Where am I going to find the time to do all of that!?’, you’ve come to the right place. At The Freelance Squad, we’ve already done the heavy lifting for you. We have a team of vetted freelance SEO experts and writers ready to tailor their skills to your business's unique needs. 

Plus, we’ve got the advantage of having worked with a wide range of clients, from a dog food company, to a medical software provider, to an SaaS platform for small businesses, to an online insurance company. Whether it's a comprehensive SEO strategy or content creation, our freelancers can handle projects of any size, saving you both time and money.

Find your freelance SEO expert with The Freelance Squad today!

Let's talk

Freelance SEO expert FAQs

How do I know it’s time to hire an SEO expert?

You know it’s time to bring in the SEO experts when your website traffic is more like a trickle than a flood, or if the visitors you do get aren't the ones you're targeting. If you’re ready to invest in and grow your marketing efforts, SEO is a great place to start.

How much do SEO freelancers charge?

We know this answer is always a bit annoying, but… it depends. What freelancers charge can vary widely based on their expertise and the project scope. Some freelancers charge by the hour, while others prefer a project-based fee. The Freelance Squad will always start with a quick intake form and a discovery call to ask all of the questions we need to give you a very clear scope and price for your needs.

Generally, you can expect a one-time SEO website project to cost you between $1,000 and $4,000.

What do I look for in an SEO consultant?

Simply put, you want experience, a proven track record, and some sort of certification to give you confidence in their skills. But don't worry, The Freelance Squad has vetted professionals ready to jump into action!

How long does it take to see results from SEO? 

You know that old fable about the tortoise and the hare? Think of SEO like the tortoise. It wins the race in the end, but it does take some time. Some businesses try and rush the process by flooding their primary keywords or investing in Google Ads. But did you know that 70% of links searchers click on are organic? Purchasers are savvy and can spot an ad from a mile away—and they’re less likely to trust it over a company that’s at the top of the search page organically. 

When building your SEO strategy, you want a solid foundation that’s done right the first time and that you can confidently build on.